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Why are there new gTLD's? .parts new gTLD domain names?

The internet has revolutionized the modern world, connecting more than 2.4 billion internet users for commercial, social, cultural, and educational purposes. Vying for domain name space in this virtual real estate market has become increasingly difficult at a cost-effective level for new businesses, entrepreneurs, and even individuals. To break out from the limited space provided by current gTLD extensions, ICANN has begun the process of releasing over cpr144449003101 1,000 new extensions. By adding to the internet’s list of extensions, ICANN intends not only to allow more domain names, but create a safer, more efficient internet that has instant significance of a website’s content in regards to its extension. The .parts clearly shows what the website will contain, and therefore saves time and helps streamline the internet user’s experiences online. Get your .parts domain today!