Why should I buy a .nv.com domain name?
If Nevada is where your business thrives, it’s time to hit home with your customers. .nv.com offers your business, no matter how large or small, the only way to personalize a domain name that will reach the ones who need you most-Nevadans. Let .nv.com meet your high-performance needs and deliver the results you want. Just imagine: YOURBUSINESS.NV.COM, and imagine a world of opportunity.
New Businesses - Businesses coming online that want to buy a descriptive domain (i.e. Builders.NV.com, Cleaners.NV.com, WebDevelopment.NV.com). When you market your business with a generic nv.com domain, it provides you instant credibility in that industry, knowing that you were one of the first registrants to register a great nv.com domain name.
Corporate Entities - Protection of their digital rights and brands by restricting registration of others to their federal Trademarks, service marks, and overall general intellectual property protection.
Existing Businesses - Long domain names that do not end in dot com are often always mistyped and hard to remember. When you use an NV.com domain, people cpr144449003101 will have a higher association with your online presence by remembering yourdomain.NV.com. Shorten your current domain name -- for example: Go From: BobsPlumbingServiceNevada.net To: BobsPlumbing.NV.com or Plumbing.NV.com or even Bobs.NV.com.
Small-Business Owners (SOHO) - Businesses that didn't get the chance to buy domains containing their business name or want the ability to give an appearance of a larger corporation would ideally register a targeted .nv.com domain name.
Real Estate Agents - Nothing says Nevada, like an NV.com domain name. You’re already buying and selling homes in Nevada, so why not tell people that you do? Obtain the ideal domain name that says it all. (i.e. BobSmith.NV.com or BobSells.NV.com or ISell.NV.com or SmithHomes.NV.com, etc.)
Source: www.registry.nv.com