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.nl FAQ

What name can I register?

The registrant of a .nl domain name is responsible for ensuring that neither the name nor its use is inconsistent with public order or decency, and that neither the registration nor the use of the .nl domain name infringes another party’s rights, or is unlawful or illegal in any other way. Lest the registrant should fail in this responsibility, the registrant indemnifies SIDN against any resulting third-party claim and undertakes to fully compensate SIDN for any resulting costs it may incur or damages it may suffer.

Also, the domain name you choose must not be inconsistent with public order or decency.

Where technical grounds exist, SIDN may decide not to allow the registration of one or more .nl cpr144449003101 domain names. If an application is received to register any such name, it will be rejected.

The technical requirements that must be met are published at SIDN may also temporarily exclude a .nl domain name from registration, if the Complaints and Appeals Board has ruled that the name in question is inconsistent with public order or decency.