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What name can I register?

It is preferable that a registered name be strongly similar to the full name of the entity seeking to register this name or to the abbreviation of the entity's name or reflects its function.

The name can't be any of the generic Top Level Domain names (edu, gov, com, net, org, mil etc) or the ccTLD of a country or any of the Palestinian chartered domain names (edu, gov, plo, com, net, org, sec etc).

The domain name can't be a registered local or international Trademark, Registered mark, Service mark or a well-known company name or its abbreviation, unless the Registrant is the owner of this Trademark, Service ark or company, in this case, a proof of ownership or legal rights to the name may be required.

The name should not interfere with the rights of a third party.

The name being registered should not be used for any cpr144449003101 unlawful purpose or activities not permitted by the Palestinian law.

The name can't be any of the excluded or protected ones as defined by PNINA in its protected names database. A broad categorization of these names is Palestinian geographic names, offensive and obscene names, religious names, famous names and natural (common) names. This rule applies to these types of names both in Arabic and English languages.

Premium names are generic words and phrases that are registered at prices higher than the standard registration/renewal fees. The registration and renewal fees of such names can be found at PNINA website.