What name can I register?
The second level domain names available under .jo include:
- .com = for commercial organizations.
- .org = for non-commercial organizations.
- .net = for networks and Internet Service Providers with a valid license.
- .edu = for Universities and educational institutes.
- .sch = for Schools.
- .gov = for government organizations.
- .mil = for military organizations. cpr144449003101
- .myname.jo is open to organizations who opt to register directly under .jo.
Domain names can be refused registration, if:
- If domain names are identical with an already registered domain name, locally or globally or obvious name conflicts with another name, trade name, trade mark, service mark, etc.
- If domain names do not comply with public ethics.
- If domain names are registered in an attempt to resell them again.
- If personal names are not supported by legal documents (Commercial registration documents).
- If the domain name is misleading and is confusing for users of the internet. If domain names infringe on the legal right of a third party.