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What name can I register?

Holder's Representations and Warranties

Submission of a Domain Name allocation application by an Applicant, constitutes the Applicant's representation and warranty that the Intended Holder is a legal entity and that the allocation or use of the Domain Name by the Intended Holder does not infringe the legal rights of any other third party. Further, it constitutes the Applicant's consent that ISOC-IL will not bear any liability for the allocation and use of a Domain Name.

Bars to Allocation

In addition to the aforementioned syntax rules, ISOC-IL will not allocate the following Domain Names:

7.1. Domain Names which have cpr144449003101 already been allocated in the Registry.

7.2. Domain Names which do not comply with the Rules in effect at the time that the application is submitted to the Registry, as posted on

7.3. Domain Names containing obscene words and names incorporating foul language; names that are injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, or names that otherwise do not comply with the laws of the State of Israel.