.miami General FAQ
According to the dotMiami Team, the group campaigning for new top-level domain, Miami has an extremely well known and strong brand not only in the United States of America but worldwide. Miami's business and culture environment is extraordinary well developed and deserve an own identity on the Internet.
.miami domains will be open for usage to everyone: Businesses, individuals, organizations and of course for the local government. Whether it's "www.google.miami" for Miami related searches, "www.starbucks.miami" for everything Miami in Starbucks (there are a dozens of Starbuck's in Miami), "www.southbeach.miami" for the great area in Miami or simply "www.scottrichards.miami" for a local realtor business in Miami: A new, unspoiled land in the Internet: "For Miami Only"!
Source: cpr144449003101 dot-miami.org