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What name can I register?

No .gi Domain Name may be used or appear to be used for pornography or any other activity that is illegal in Gibraltar.

Any domain names which, in the opinion of the Committee, may be considered offensive or defamatory are not allowed.

All new domain requests will conform to RFCs 1034, 1035, 1122, 1123 and any subsequent replacements. In addition, Sapphire will apply a further set of restrictions on names as described below.

Some existing names would be rejected under the current rules. Similarly, if the rules are changed in the future, some names approved under one set of rules might be rejected under the changed rules. No rule change will ever affect the status of a name which has been approved before the change unless sound technical reasons require this.

Sapphire, on prior consultation with the Committee, may withdraw or suspend delegation of a name;

  • if the name is administered in a cpr144449003101 way likely to endanger operation of the DNS.
  • if the basis on which the name was registered has changed (e.g. the organisation making the application no longer exists).
  • if it is drawn to Sapphire's attention that the name is being used in a manner likely to cause confusion to internet users.
  • where Sapphire has been informed that legal action has been commenced regarding use of the name.
  • if any of the Domain Name Committees' Rules are broken.
  • where Sapphire is of the opinion that one of the above events is likely to occur.