What name can I register?
.in.ua is delegated in the interest of physical persons-the citizens and / or residents of Ukraine who independently and voluntarily identify themselves as members of the Ukranian Internet Community (see cl.2.16 of the .UA domain policy)
3.1. Second-level public domains in the .UA Domain shall be delegated pursuant to Cl. 2.6 of the present Policy.
3.2. Second-level private domain names in the .UA Domain shall be delegated exclusively in case if the spelling of the corresponding domain name in full or in its second-level component (before the "." character but not including it) coincides with the Mark, with regard to which the corresponding registrant has the rights of its use on the territory of Ukraine.
3.3. If the Mark mentioned in Cl. 3.2. contains a verbal part that is not an object of legal protection, in such a case a second-level private domain name, the spelling of which coincides with the part of the Mark that is an object of legal protection, may be delegated to the owner of rights to this Mark's use on the territory of Ukraine.
3.4. Within the framework of the present Policy the spelling of the Mark shall be its presentation by symbols from among: letters of the Latin alphabet, Arabic numerals and the "-". character. If the Mark contains symbols of other alphabets except for the Latin one, numerals of other calculus systems and/or other symbols, the spelling of the Mark shall be its transliteration in Latin characters done in compliance with transliteration rules of the alphabet, by means of which the Mark is written.
3.5. Within the framework of the present Policy the Latin transliteration of the Mark, which contains symbols of the Cyrillic alphabet, may, at the registrant's own discretion, be done according to:
3.5.1. the transliteration table "UL" ("Ukrainian Latin characters") recommended for the Ukrainian language and approved by the State Standards Committee ("Derzhstandart") of Ukraine on October 18, 1995 and published at the address: http://www.ua/docs/UL.html,
3.5.2. or according to the effective interstate transliteration standard GOST 16876-71 (Art. SEV 1362-78),
3.5.3. or according to "The Normative Table for Reproduction of Ukrainian Proper Names by Means of the English Language" approved by Decision N8 of the Ukrainian Committee on Issues of Legal Terminology, Protocol N2 of April 19, 1996,
3.5.4. or according to Additional Table published at the address: http://www.ua/docs/addtable.html.
3.6. Reproduction in a domain name of special symbols, which are a part of the Mark but may not be included into a domain name pursuant to effective technical standards, is recommended in one of the two ways at the registrant's own discretion:
3.6.1. by way of substitution of special symbols for their symbolic names in English (for example, "&" - "and", "/" - "slash", "." - "dot", "@" - "at" etc.), which at the registrant's request may also be marked out with the "-"characters on both sides (for example, "&" - ""and-"). Symbols " " (space) and "_" (underlining) may be substituted for the "-"symbol;
3.6.2. by way of deletion of special symbols from the Mark's representation in the form of a domain name, without substituting them.
3.7. Reproduction in a domain name of Roman numerals that are a part of the Mark may, at the registrant's own request expressed in writing and send to the administrator of the corresponding public domain through the corresponding registrar, be done by way of their numerically equivalent presentation with Arabic numerals.
3.8. Second-level private domain name shall be delegated exclusively on condition that the registrant submits the following documents to the current registrar:
3.8.1. for a domain name, the spelling of which completely or in its second-level component (before the "." character but not including it) coincides with the Mark that is protected on the territory of Ukraine pursuant to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks - an abstract from the Official bulletin of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization confirming the fact of the Mark's international registration and the fact of its legal protection on the territory of Ukraine, which must be certified by the central executive authority dealing with issues of legal protection of intellectual property;
3.8.2. for a domain name, the spelling of which completely or in its second-level component (before the "." character but not including it) coincides with the Mark, with regard to which the Trademark or Service Mark Certificate of Ukraine is issued by the central executive authority dealing with issues of legal protection of intellectual property - a duly certified copy of the said Certificate;
3.8.3. in case the registrant of a second-level private domain name is not a direct owner of rights of the Mark's use on the territory of Ukraine - a duly certified copy of the agreement on transfer by the Mark's owner to the domain name's registrant of the rights of this Mark's use on the territory of Ukraine or of the license agreement;
3.9. The period of time for verification of the request for second-level domain name delegation in the .UA Domain shall be 14 (fourteen) calendar days.
3.10. The period of second-level private domain name delegation in the .UA Domain must not exceed two years or the term of validity of the Mark Certificate, according to which this domain name is delegated in case this term of the Certificate's validity is less than two years.
Rights and Responsibilities
4. Rights and responsibilities
4.1. Owner
4.1.1. The owner must: Processing of personal data in strict accordance with the laws of Ukraine on protection of personal data; Provide information to people when making changes to these Terms.
4.1.2. The owner has the right: Remove data from the cpr144449003101 database UANIC under these Terms; Deny users access to the Service in violation of these Terms of him, the current legislation of Ukraine; Suspend access to the Service in whole or in part to service, upgrade, restore security and implementation of new services provided message.
4.2. User
4.2.1. User must: Comply with current legislation of Ukraine on protection of personal data; Follow these Terms; Contribute to the database UANIC accurate, and reliable data; Contribute to the database UANIC only information that identified the owner to operate the Service; Maintain your data up to date, complete and reliable condition; Provide access to the Service in general and to the database UANIC including only the features provided by the Service; Follow precautions for storage of information required for authentication for access to the Service; Bear responsibility in accordance with legislation of Ukraine to third parties in connection with the Service; Do not give other users and third party personal data and information about other Users and third parties that have become known to him resulting from use of the Service, without obtaining a prior permission of such persons; Do not make illegal collection and processing of personal data of others; Do not put any other information that does not meet the requirements and objectives of the Service.
4.2.2. The user may: Get access to contact information stored in the database UANIC, provided authentication (login and password entry); Make changes in contact information stored in the database UANIC, provided authentication (login and password entry); Remove personal information, including personal information in accordance with these Conditions, if it does not affect the operation of the domain name system.
5. Responsibility
5.1. Owner does not warrant the completeness, accuracy and availability of the Service, if the disability prevent the Service any external cause to which owner can not change.
5.2. The owner is not responsible for possible unauthorized access to the database UANIC, if this was not the fault of the owner.
5.3. The owner is not responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information published by users of the database UANIC.
5.4. The owner is not responsible for the use of any registered special records (nick-handle) and any consequences arising from such use.
5.5. The user is personally responsible for acts committed by him while using the Service.
5.6. You are responsible for all information, published it in the database UANIC, including its accuracy, truthfulness, completeness and accuracy.