.hu.com General FAQ
.hu.com is an alternative to .HU, the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Hungary. There are no restrictions for .hu.com and is a great alternative if the domain you want is already taken under the .HU or other Hungary second level domains such as .CO.HU. .hu.com has no restrictions or requirements, so if you are unable to meet the Hungarian requirements, this is a great option to secure your online presence in Hungary with a .hu.com domain name. The .hu.com combines a Hungarian identity with the notable .COM ending which can help increase traffic and maximize the visibility of your website.
Hungary is a landlocked country located in the Carpathian Basin of Eastern Europe. It has an estimated population of approximately 10 million people and the official spoken language is Hungarian. Hungary has a rich cultural history and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, attracting almost 9 million travellers annually.
The domain extension is not related cpr144449003101 to any official ccTLD registry name.