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.hk FAQ

What name can I register?

The most recent source for .hk domain registration policies can be found at:!/34

We may refuse to register Domain Names that are:
The following Domain Names may be refused registration:
Domain Names that are:
(a) all single-character labels, including A to Z, 0 to 9 and '-';
(b) generic top-level domains established by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) including, but not limited to, sponsored top-level domains announced by ICANN;
(c) country code top-level domains announced by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA);
(d) common Chinese surnames in the HKSAR (for and Second Level Domain Names only)
(e) technical terms;
(f) words controlled by law and order authorities in the HKSAR;
(g) current and likely new types of Domain Names;
(h) terms used for operations
Additionally, in the case of Chinese Domain Names, Domain Names which HKIRC considers to be:
(i) Chinese translations of generic top-level domains announced by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or sponsored top-level domains announced by ICANN;
(j) names of countries or regions that use Chinese as their language;
(k) common technical terms related to domain names and related international name associations;
(l) types and levels of schools and other educational institutions in the HKSAR;
(m) common Chinese surnames in the HKSAR (for .個人.hk, .個人.香港 and Second Level Domain Names only);
(n) Chinese words controlled by law and order authorities in the HKSAR;
(o) current and likely new types of Chinese Domain Names;
(p) Chinese words of operational needs; or
(q) such other English or Chinese words as reserved by HKIRC.
Reservation of right to use certain Domain Name

HKIRC reserves the right in its sole discretion to use any Domain Name included on the Reserve List for any purpose. HKIRC is not required to inform Registrants or Registrar of the reasons for including a Domain Name on the Reserve List.

Use of cpr144449003101 the word "government"/"政府"

With the exception of Domain Names registered under, .政府.hk, or .政府.香港, any application to register a Domain Name may be rejected where the applied for Domain Name consists of or contains a reference to the word "government" or "政府" or related words where such use is likely, in the Registrar’s or HKIRC's own opinion, to connote that a Registrant has authorisation from the HKSAR Government.

Use of the word "bank"/"銀行"

If a Registrant applies to register a Domain Name that uses the word "bank” or "銀行" or any of their derivatives in English or Chinese or any translation of them, or uses the letters "b", "a", "n", "k" or the characters "銀" "行" in that order in the Domain Name, the Registrant must include in their application for such a Domain Name a true copy of the specific consent granted by the Monetary Authority (MA) under section 97 of the Banking Ordinance for the use of banking names or descriptions. This requirement does not apply if the Registrant is not restricted from using banking names and descriptions by the relevant provisions of section 97 of the Banking Ordinance (e.g., as a bank authorized under the Banking Ordinance) or by the general consent given by the MA under section 97 of the Banking Ordinance.

Registration of a Domain Name may be refused or cancelled if the Registrant fails to comply with this clause 7.5, or if, in the Registrar’s or HKIRC's opinion, the Domain Name registration may lead to the Registrant's contravention of section 97 of the Banking Ordinance.

Use of the word "insurance", "assurance" or "保險"

If the Registrant applies to register a Domain Name that contains the words “insurance”, "assurance" or "保險" or which otherwise fall within any of the restrictions under section 56(A) of the Insurance Companies Ordinance (Cap 41), the Registrant must provide with the application the written consent issued by the Insurance Authority with respect to the Registrant’s use of such Domain Name.

The Registrar or HKIRC may refuse to register or may cancel the registration of a Domain Name if the Registrant does not comply with this Rule 7.6, or the Domain Name registration may lead, in the Registrar’s or HKIRC's opinion, to a contravention of section 56(A) of the Insurance Companies Ordinance (Cap 41).

Controlled Words

A Registrant must not apply for a Domain Name which comprises of or incorporates a word the use of which is subject to prohibition or restriction under applicable legislation of the HKSAR (“Controlled Word”) unless the Registrant is satisfied that its use of the Domain Name will not contravene the provisions of such legislation. Neither HKIRC nor the Registrar assumes any responsibility for vetting Domain Name applications to ensure that the Domain Names do not comprise of or incorporate a Controlled Word.

The Registrar or HKIRC may refuse to register or may cancel the registration of a Domain Name if the Registrant fails to comply with this clause 7.7, or if, in the Registrar’s or HKIRC's opinion, the Domain Name registration may lead to the Registrant's contravention of any applicable legislation of the HKSAR.

Other situations giving rise to refusal of a Domain Name

The Registrar and/or HKIRC are entitled to refuse any application to register a Domain Name due to other technical and operational considerations, or if the registration of such Domain Name would cause confusion to the public, be contrary to the national security or interests of the HKSAR, or otherwise be contrary to any law of the HKSAR. Both the Registrant and the Registrar acknowledge that HKIRC retains the right to conduct final checks on all Domain Name registrations or applications, and reserves the right to refuse the registration or continuation thereof for a Domain Name if HKIRC in its sole discretion deems fit.

Refusal to register a Domain Name

HKIRC may, without limitation as set out in these Registration Policies and in its sole discretion, refuse to register any Domain Name selected by the Registrant. HKIRC is not obliged to provide the Registrar or the Registrant with any reasons or grounds for such refusal but on the Registrant's reasonable request and in its absolute discretion, HKIRC may inform the Registrant of such reasons or grounds.

We reserve the right to use any Domain Name included on the Reserve List for any purposes.

Representations and warranties
By making an application for a Domain Name, the Registrant represents and warrants that:
(a) to the best of its knowledge and belief, the Domain Name that the Registrant is applying for will not infringe or otherwise violate the legal rights of any third party;
(b) the Registrant intends to use the Domain Name;
(c) the Registrant’s use of the Domain Name shall be bona fide for the Registrant’s own benefit and shall be for lawful purposes;
(d) the Registrant will not knowingly use the Domain Name in violation of any applicable laws and regulations;
(e) all information the Registrant provides to the Registrar, including further additions or alterations to such information, is true, complete and accurate;
(f) in the event that the Registrant receives notification of any claim, action or demand arising out of or related to the registration or use of the Domain Name, the Registrant will immediately send the Registrar a written notice notifying the Registrar of such claim, action or demand; and
(g) that it meets, and continues to meet, the eligibility criteria prescribed by HKIRC.
The Registrant acknowledges that the Registrar and HKIRC rely on all representations made and warranties given by the Registrant in determining if the application for a Domain Name should be approved.