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.gw FAQ

Can anyone register a .gw domain name?

YesAre Individual .gw domain registrations allowed?

YesCompany or legal entities registrations allowed for .gw?

YesAre there requirements, documents, or information needed for .gw?

Whenever the registry deems fit, the domain registrant may be asked to send a copy of the registration’s support documentation within seven days to confirm rights to a domain.

NoAre some .gw domain names restricted?

NoDoes .gw domain have a special use?

YesOther information I need to know about .gw?

2-letter .GW domains are available under restricted conditions. Documentation is required showing the domain you requested matches a trademark or company/ brand name. Please contact sales for more info.

NoAre there any cpr144449003101 additional fees for .gw?

NoDo I need a trademark/brand name to register .gw?

NoWHOIS Privacy service available? Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?

Don't Have All of These Requirements for Guinea-Bissau .gw? Our trustee service provides the required local contact information. Note: Registration for 2 years may be required on some extensions.

Available at Checkout

.gw Trustee / Proxy Fee: per
.gw Trustee / Proxy Setup Fee: