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.gt FAQ

What name can I register?

Registrar reserves the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally without any responsibility on their part, if there are any of the following grounds:

11.1 If this contract services Internet domain name, or subsequent amendments thereto, contained false or misleading information or conceals or omits any information that the Registrar would probably have considered essential to its decision to accept the application name domain and register the domain name to the applicant.
11.2 If the applicant / owner to knowingly provide inaccurate or unreliable, or intentionally does not update the information promptly to Registrar.
11.3 The failure to pay the registration fee and registration renewal fee of domain name within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the application of this Agreement.
11.4 The failure to comply with any provision of this contract any provision of dispute resolution policy.

If the applicant / owner, perform a serious violation of any contract provision of services on the Internet domain name, the Registrar, using its sole discretion, be entitled to cancel the Domain name registration, according to clause 12 of this contract domain name services on the Internet, without the applicant / owner has entitled to any refund and without prejudice to any other form of compensation or entitled to compensation.

Reserved names: Palabrasreservadas

" Reserved cpr144449003101 by ICANN
aero afrinic apnic arin arpa asia aso biz cat ccnso com coop edu example gnso gov gtld-servers iab iana iana-servers icann iesg ietf info int internic irtf istf jobs lacnic latnic mil mobi museum name net org pro rfc-editor ripe root-servers tel travel"

" Reserved by Administración del Dominio
.gt gob ind nic registrar registry whois www lactld dominio dominios registro registros nombre nombres usuario usuarios administración admon"

" Reserved in relation to the Internet
admin dns domain epp ftp gopher html http https icmp igmp imap ip ipv4 ipv6 ldap localhost loghost loopback mailbox mailhost ntp password pop pop2 pop3 root shell smtp snmp ssh ssl syslog tcp telnet udp username wap wpad"

" Names in commeon with departments of República de Guatemala. Reserved by government departments.
altaverapaz bajaverapaz chimaltenango chiquimula elprogreso escuintla guatemala huehuetenango izabal jalapa jutiapa peten quetzaltenango quiche retalhuleu sacatepequez sanmarcos santarosa solola suchitepequez totonicapan zacapa"

" Names same as the 334 cities in the República de Guatemala. Names reserved for government use.

You can register any name you like that is not listed as reserved by ICANN or the domain administration for the .GT extension.