.com.de General FAQ
Germany is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. It is the most highly populated member of the European Union at approximately 82 million residents, and a major political power in the region. The official spoken language is German. The German economy is the largest in the European Union and the fourth largest GDP in the world. Most of the GDP is accounted for by the service sector (71%), followed by infrastructure and agriculture.
The domain is not one of the official second-level category domains administered by the official German registry, DENIC eG, and the use the domain in this manner is not endorsed by them. A holder of a sub-domain under .com.de is solely dependent on cpr144449003101 the decisions made by the holder of .com.de, Centralnic. Sub-domains within .com.de are also bound by the domain name policy for .DE. If the holder of .com.de fails to fulfill his obligations to DENIC eG, all existing sub-domain names under .com.de will be lost.