.co.de Domains Dispute & Policy
All domain holders are personally responsible for making sure that their domains do not infringe the rights of anyone else. For this reason, anyone who feels that their rights have been infringed by a domain must contact the holder of that domain and not DENIC. DENIC can, however, assist the claimant by placing a DISPUTE-entry on the domain.
Before DENIC will do that, however, the claimant must submit evidence to DENIC showing that he/she might have a right to the domain and the claimant must also instigate measures to enforce his/her rights vis-à-vis the domain holder. A domain that bears a DISPUTE-entry can still be used by its holder, but cannot be transferred to anyone else. Any holder of a DISPUTE-entry automatically becomes the domain holder as soon as the domain is released.
On the DENIC website you find a form for establishing a DISPUTE-entry, which you can download as a PDF-file. Please sign your application and send the original to DENIC. For the convenience of our non-Germanspeaking customers we provide an English translation of the DISPUTE-entry form. Please note that you have to fill in and send THE GERMAN VERSION of the file.
DENIC will inform you as soon cpr144449003101 as the DISPUTE-entry is set up.
The DISPUTE-entry is valid for an initial period of one year. DENIC will, however, extend it, provided the DISPUTE holder submits another original application form, accompanied by documentation showing that the disagreement with the domain holder has still not been resolved.
If the disagreement between the DISPUTE-entry holder and the domain holder is resolved, the DISPUTE-entry holder must inform DENIC immediately, so that the DISPUTE-entry can be removed.