Can anyone register a .al domain name?
YesAre Individual .al domain registrations allowed?
YesCompany or legal entities registrations allowed for .al?
YesAre there requirements, documents, or information needed for .al?
Companies: Provide Tax ID number (any country), and contact person's ID or passport number. Albanian companies provide NIPT number along with passport/ID number.
Individuals: Provide government ID card or passport number.
YesAre some .al domain names restricted?
NoDoes .al domain have a special use?
YesOther information I need cpr144449003101 to know about .al?
2-letter domain names are priced at $125 for 1 year.
YesAre there any additional fees for .al?
NoDo I need a trademark/brand name to register .al?
NoWHOIS Privacy service available? Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?