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Whois .education domain lookup for Whois Education Domains Server - Education Domains Delegation Record for .education Domains

Education Domains
Domain - .education Domain Registration

.education Registrar .education Whois

A searchable database maintained by registrars that contain information about networks, networking organizations, domain names, and the contacts associated with them for the .education and ISO 3166 country code top-level domains. Also, the protocol, or set of rules, that describes the application used to access the database. Each registrar implements the Whois protocol and maintains a separate and distinct Whois database for its respective .education domain name registrations.

Delegation Record
For .education Education Domains

Sponsoring Organization

Brice Way, LLC
c/o Donuts Inc., 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 350
Bellevue, Washington 98004
United States

Sub Domains

Administrative Contact

Richard Tindal
Donuts Inc.
c/o Donuts Inc., 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 350
Bellevue, Washington 98004
United States
Voice: +1.425.283.8248
Fax: +1.425.671.0020

Technical Contact

Chris Cowherd
Donuts Inc.
c/o Donuts Inc., 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 350
Bellevue, Washington 98004
United States
Voice: +1.425.296.6802
Fax: +1.425.671.0020

Name Servers

Host NameIP Address(es)

Domain Information

Domain Name Services
IANA is responsible for the operation and maintenance of a number of key aspects of the DNS, including the root zone, and the .intand .arpa domains.

The DNS Root Zone IANA is the global coordinator of the DNS root. The root is the upper-most part of the DNS hierarchy, and involves delegating administrative responsibility of “top-level domains”, which are the last segment of a domain name, such as .education. Part of this task includes evaluating requests to change the operators of country code domains, as well as day-to-day maintenance of the details of the existing operators.

.education Domain Search Terms

dot .education pre-registration new .education TLD new .education gTLDs new .education TLDs new Top Level Domains .education new .education gTLD new .education Top Level Domain icann .education gtld .education generic top level domains icann new .education gtld icann .education domain names icann .education new tlds icann new .education tld new .education top level domain names Education domain name gtld .education domain icann .education tlds new .education gtld program ntld newtld newtlds new .education gtld new .education gtlds icann .education new gtlds top level .education tld icann .education top level domain new Education tld's icann .education gtlds .education top level domains tld new .education generic Top Level Domains new .education generic Top Level Domain new generic .education TLDs new TLD .education pre- register