With our Pay-Per-Click Starter Report, RWG provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your website to increase customer traffic, and give you an advantage over the competition.
Analysis of Site - The PPC Starter Package begins with an in-depth analysis of your website. We'll identify potential improvements in site content, layout, and performance. These are key factors that the Search Engines look at as part of the bidding process and optimizing this can save you a lot of money in the long run, increasing your PPC ROI and overall profitability.
Analysis of Competitors - We will perform a comprehensive analysis of your largest competitors, looking at key factors of their existing advertising efforts such as: ad copy, keyword bids, and daily budgets. By spending the time to identify what is working and what is failing for them, we can hit the ground running with lower "learning costs" and start you off in very competitive positions immediately.
Keyword Research - We take a hard look at your site's keywords; focusing on the most essential keyword groups to optimize your budget and improve your site's Quality Score. We will also look for hidden opportunities; these are going to be misspellings and alternate spellings of popular products or services.
Product Targeting Priorities - A major portion of the PPC Starter Package is product and service triage. In a perfect world we would like to advertise everything, all the time. This is just not realistic, you have budget constraints and profit goals. We will work with you to help you identify which products and services we will focus our efforts on.
Monthly Reporting - Each month you'll receive an easy-to-read breakdown of your PPC performance, potential improvements, and insights into breaking PPC trends to continually improve your site's click-thru rates, conversions, and return on investment.
We will send you a questionnaire within 24 hours for your completion. Your service will be scheduled with your return of the completed questionnaire and the inclusion of all necessary submittals identified in the questionnaire.