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Home / gTlds New Generic Domains / Sport Domains / .ski Domain Pre-Registration
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Some domain names may be permanently or temporarily reserved or restricted for registry operations, as premium domain names or to comply with ICANN requirements.
To comply with ICANN requirements, all two-character domains shall be initially reserved, however may be released in the future. In addition reserved names for a) International Olympic Committee, b) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and c) Intergovernmental Organizations, for new gTLDs., are not available in accordance with ICANN. The list of these names can be found here.
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Loi numéro 94-1 du 3 janvier 1994 Republique française (France) http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000727529
.ski is a new gTLD created for the community that is directly or indirectly involved in the sport of skiing in its broadest sense and those who practice this sport on a professional level or as a leisure activity. The ski community is made up of two types of groups: - Professionals and... Read more
i) Goal of the .ski gTLD The sport of skiing is practiced in approximately 80 countries. Among these countries, roughly 70 offer open-air ski areas, the balance having indoor facilities, but all have a passionate ski sports community. There maybe many more snow fields around the world but just... Read more
i) Multiple applications resolution policies The .ski gTLD Sunrise period will be conducted in compliance with ICANN's specifications. The proposed Sunrise Eligibility Requirements will conform to the following qualification derived from numerous past TLD Sunrise programs: applicants will have to... Read more
The .ski gTLD will be reserved to the community that is directly or indirectly involved in the sport of skiing in its broadest sense and those who practice this sport on a professional level or as a leisure activity. The word "ski" is a universally accepted term that is commonly used to... Read more
The United States and France account both for 47% of the biggest ski resorts in the world. Both countries are also leaders in terms of skier visits, which is used as a reference indicator in the ski industry. Accordingly, France and the USA are two of the most important countries in the ski... Read more
The United States and France account both for 47% of the biggest ski resorts in the world. Both countries are also leaders in terms of skier visits, which is used as a reference indicator in the ski industry. Accordingly, France and the USA are two of the most important countries in the ski... Read more
The word "ski" goes back to the Old Norse word skíð meaning ʺa stick of woodʺ. It is now a universally accepted term that is used in most languages in the world. Languages like English and French use the original spelling ʺskiʺ, and modify the pronunciation. Languages like Italian pronounce... Read more
Starting Dot will manage the .ski gTLD for the benefit of the entire ski community. Benefits attainment of a restricted TLD will require equitable and substantive evaluation of domain name requests to weed-out non-eligible applicants while ensuing the availability of the TLD for its intended... Read more
As requested by ICANN and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), Starting Dot will reserve, within its proposed .ski gTLD, names formed with the following labels from initial registration: a. Two-character labels. All two characters labels will be initially reserved. The reservation of a... Read more
Domain | .ski Domain Name |
Information | .ski Domain Name Information |
TLD Bulk & Advanced Search | .ski Bulk Domain Pre-Registration |
WhoIs Server | .ski Whois Server |
Domain Renewals | Renewal .ski Domain |
Domain Transfer | .ski Transfer Domain |
Domain Hosting | .ski Web Hosting |
SSL Certificates | SSL Certificates |
Email Services | .ski Email Services |
Domain FAQ | .ski Domain Registration FAQ |
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