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Home / gTlds New Generic Domains / Money Domains / .insurance Domain Pre-Registration
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No Details Are Individual .insurance domain registrations allowed?
Yes Details Company or legal entities registrations allowed for .insurance?
Yes Details Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .insurance?
As a courtesy, we will pre-screen your request to confirm you meet the eligibility and naming requirements for .INSURANCE. Placing an order for a .INSURANCE domain name does not guarantee it will be successfully registered to you. You will be required to complete the verification process (described below) directly with the registry. If registration is unsuccessful, only the registration fee is refundable after your domain registration request is submitted to the registry for verification.
The following businesses or organizations are initially eligible to register domain names in .INSURANCE:
Holding companies do not meet the eligibility requirements for .INSURANCE. Holding companies may register domain names on behalf of their eligible subsidiaries provided the registrant contact information submitted during the registration process is for the eligible entity. If the registrant contact provided is that of the holding company the verification process will fail.
Domain names must: (a) correspond to a trademark, trade name or service mark of the Applicant in bona fide use for the offering of goods or services, or provision of information, in the jurisdiction where the Applicant is licensed, approved or certified to conduct business; (b) not be a Reserved Name; and (c) not be likely to deceive or cause material detriment to a significant portion of the global insurance community, its customers or Internet users.
The registry requires that certain information must be specified in the registrant contact for your .insurance domain name.
1) The Registrant first and last name must be a person's name and someone that is currently employed with the applying entity. (It cannot contain the entities name or generic name such as Domain Administrator, etc).
2) The Registrant company name must be the registered, legal name of the eligible entity. Do not use holding company names, nicknames or abbreviations.
3) The Registrant address cannot be a PO box and must be the physical address of the entity.
4) The telephone number must be listed in public databases under the organization name.
Your domain submission will go through a detailed verification process to ensure that registrations are made only with organizations that meet the eligibility requirements. Verification is performed at the time of initial registration and at each renewal or every two years, whichever comes first. You may be required to submit certain information to Registry Operator, or its designated third-party service provider, to verify your eligibility to register a domain name in .INSURANCE
Additional information on eligibility, Registrant Obligations, naming requirements and verification process can be found Registry Operator's website at https://www.ftld.com/policies/ and .INSURANCE FAQ.
In addition to the .INSURANCE Policies, which are the foundation of a protected, trusted and more secure environment for .INSURANCE domains, other documents are included to identify a variety of security and operational requirements.
fTLD Security Requirements
These Requirements are essential for fTLD to fulfill its mission for the .INSURANCE domain. Some of the Requirements are drawn from the PICs and others from the Community Registration Policies included as Specification 12 to fTLD’s Registry Agreement. The Requirements address issues such registrant verification and DNSSEC and identify the responsible party (i.e., Registry Operator, Registrar or Registrant) to ensure compliance. More information is available at Enhanced Security and the Requirements may be amended from time-to-time to meet the security and other needs of the community.
In accordance with fTLD Registry Services, the Registry Operator, .INSURANCE Registered Name Holders consent to the collection and use of Personal Data by the Registry Operator. Registered Name Holder also agree that in the event of any dispute concerning the time of the entry of a Registered Name registration into the Registry System, the timestamp shown in the Registry System records shall control. In addition the Registry Operator reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any Registered Name registration.
Re-Verification of registrants and their domains names will occur 1) upon renewal if registered for 1 year, if registered for multiple years, then every two years upon renewal, 2) if there is a change to the organization name and 3) upon request to the registrar by the Registry Operator.
Yes Details Are some .insurance domain names restricted?
Some domain names may be permanently or temporarily reserved or restricted for registry operations, as premium domain names or to comply with ICANN requirements.
To comply with ICANN requirements, all two-character domains shall be initially reserved, however may be released in the future. In addition reserved names for a) International Olympic Committee, b) International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and c) Intergovernmental Organizations, for new gTLDs., are not available in accordance with ICANN. The list of these names can be found here.
Yes Details Does .insurance domain have a special use?
Yes Details Other information I need to know about .insurance?
Registry Operator may offer premium domain names that are subject to non-standard registration fees. Please ask us about pricing for these domain names.
Yes Details Are there any additional fees for .insurance?
No Details Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .insurance?
No Details WHOIS Privacy service available?
Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?
149.00 USD
This domain extension does not support internationalization.
fTLD Registry Services LLC
Limited Liability Company
not available
Jurisdictional law is the State of Delaware.
not available
fTLD Registry Services, LLC (FRS) is submitting this application on behalf of the U.S. insurance community to ensure that the .insurance gTLD will serve as a trusted, hierarchical, and intuitive namespace for this community and the consumers it serves. All registrants within this gTLD will be... Read more
The .insurance gTLD will serve as a trusted destination on the Internet for insurers, insurance services providers, consumers and Internet users. The .insurance gTLD will seek to reach insurance professionals, their employees and partners while modeling a template of trust for online commercial... Read more
The adoption of rules and elimination of social costs for the insurance community are at the core of FRS' strategy. Its proposed operating rules will provide the insurance community, businesses and consumers with a trusted online environment, and in turn minimize operating and social costs.... Read more
The U.S. insurance community is a clearly delineated industry that has evolved over hundreds of years into a critical commercial enterprise within the global economy. While fTLD Registry Services, LLC's (FRS) members are based and regulated in the United States, the growth, reach and impact of... Read more
FRS was recently created by two established financial services associations - the American Bankers Association (ABA) and The Financial Services Roundtable (Roundtable). Between them, they have over 200 years of history representing the financial services industry in the United States. FRS was... Read more
• Intended registrants in the TLD. As stated above and in Question 18, the .insurance community will be clearly defined along the same lines as the current U.S. insurance community is defined by regulation and law. Registrations within the community may initially be made by the following... Read more
• Relationship to the established name, if any, of the community. The .insurance gTLD is perfectly aligned with the needs and services of the insurance community as defined in 20(a), providers of insurance and their affiliates, and the gTLD name - the industry product sold - solidly identifies... Read more
• Eligibility: who is eligible to register a second-level name in the gTLD, and how will eligibility be determined? Registrations within the community may initially be made by the following business, individuals or organizations: - Licensed insurance companies regulated by a government entity -... Read more
22.1 fTLD Registry Services, LLC (FRS) has Properly Researched this Topic FRS is keenly aware of the sensitivity of national governments in connection with protecting country and territory identifiers in the DNS. In preparation for answering this question, FRS reviewed the following relevant... Read more
Domain | .insurance Domain Name |
Information | .insurance Domain Name Information |
TLD Bulk & Advanced Search | .insurance Bulk Domain Pre-Registration |
WhoIs Server | .insurance Whois Server |
Domain Renewals | Renewal .insurance Domain |
Domain Transfer | .insurance Transfer Domain |
Domain Hosting | .insurance Web Hosting |
SSL Certificates | SSL Certificates |
Email Services | .insurance Email Services |
Domain FAQ | .insurance Domain Registration FAQ |
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